
Monday, November 15, 2010

Harvest birthday cake (click photos to enlarge).

I was asked to do another harvest themed cake - this time for a married couple who have October/November birthdays and were sharing a party.  I was supposed to take the blue harvest cake I did a couple weeks ago and make it a bit more "adult" friendly while keeping it similar.  I have been wanting to do a cake with a tree growing up the front face for a while now, so I figured now was as good a time as any.  Twenty hours worth of sculpted fondant later, I came up with this.  Couldn't decide whether to put the chicken down by the ear of corn or up on top of her nest, so I left her "loose" instead of glueing her down with chocolate (the way everything else was glued down).  Not much in this world is more fun that an interactive cake you can play with.  Ok, that IS kinda' gross if you think about it - and I heard today from the girl who asked me to bake this cake that someone at the party considered eating the chicken and then had second thoughts after she realized half the town had played with it.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH!!! This one is my new favorite. So much character and charm. I love it, Peg!!! Beautiful.
