
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Amanda's Double Chocolate Chip Birthday Cake! (Click photos to enlarge.)

Thank you, Nathan, for thinking about your lovely wife, Amanda, and asking me to make a birthday cake for her. This sweet girl is one of my biggest and most *favoritest* “cake supporters,” and to be able to bake a cake for her birthday was a real honor. She loves chocolate, so chocolate is what she got: double chocolate chip with whipped chocoIate butter-crรจme filling and icing. I used the easy-peasy Wilton 1M tip “swirly rose” method to ice it (technique tutorial found here) and rumor has it that our birthday girl was eating cake by breakfast time. 

Want a real treat? Check out Amanda’s blog here. She’s a talented writer, has exceptional taste (cakes notwithstanding), and she’s just fun to read. Yes, I’m a faithful, daily follower, and yes, I’m very partial to one post of hers in particular which you can read here (about YOURS TRULY). 

Amanda was good enough to allow me to use some of her personal photos from her "birthday morning."

  You can tell how excited her little girls were about her cake. Precious!
I have to say that gorgeous cake plate of hers didn't hurt the look of my (her) cake one bit! Love it!

Amanda, Amanda, Amanda! Who looks like this when they're fresh out of bed? You make it hard to not be a hater...

Oven's calling. I’ll be back soon!

~ Peggy

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