
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Robert's Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate (Triple Chocolate) Cake

After Robert’s "21st" birthday cake I made for him last year (see it here or here), it’s just been made official: at the ripe old age of 22, he’s now too old for a “cutesy” cake. But he's definitely not too old for a “double chocolate chip chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream, hazlenut-infused chocolate buttercream accents, and tempered dark chocolate curls.” And that is exactly what he got, courtesy of his mom and one of my best friends, Denise.  Short and sweet best describes today’s post and this delectable cake.  Just one little quote from his momma: "When did you start putting crack in your cakes? It's addictive!” Ahhh cake humor!  *knee slap*  How I DO love that girl! To see this choccy monster up close and personal, click the image to enlarge it.  Go on, I dare you!

Oven’s on – I’ll be back soon!

~ Peggy

1 comment:

  1. hi could we have the recipe for this cake and also the different piping tips you used ...thanks x
