
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fondant Review

Cake makers are always asking me questions about which fondant I use for what purpose.  I put together this little overview table that shows exactly how I personally use which fondant brands.  I included categories like taste, value, where I personally shop, and how well the color lifts (for example, FondX white will never lift to more than just a soft pastel).

This is not intended to sway anyone; I’m just sharing my personal preferences for those who have asked.  I value your opinion and feedback, so please leave a comment or ask a question!
(Click to enlarge chart)

Oven's on - I'll be back soon!

~ Peggy


  1. Hello- I am new to your site and think this a great site with a wealth of information. A friend of mine pointed me here. I am new to cake decorating and I was wondering what you meant by "color lifting" on your chart. So far I have only used Wilton and Satin Ice for my cakes. Obviously I prefer the Satin Ice but I am always on the look out to try different kinds.
    Thanks for all your ideas and information.

  2. Hey Jennifer, thanks for your Q. Lifting is the term for how well the fondant takes color. White Wilton brand fondant will lift "Rose" into a hot, bright pink, but FondX brand fondant, no matter how much color you add, will never lift to anything more than a soft pastel. It can be quite frustrating if you're trying to get purple, and a jar of color later, you barely have lavender! Hope this helps. ~ Peggy

  3. Peggy - Thanks so much for answering my question. I guess if I have a white cake I want to make next I will try the FondX and see how that one tastes compared to Satin Ice.

    I do find myself buying the already colored fondant to cover the cakes to save myself coloring time :)

  4. Peggy just wanted to let you know that I found FondX for $9 for 2 pounds. I know you said you usually get it from Global Sugar Art but thought maybe this can save you some money
